Tavli Games

Tavli Games Rating: 7,2/10 2434 reviews

Tavli is a Greek. The meaning of the word Tavli in Greek is ‘board’ and it is used to describe different board games for 2 players; the most common are the Portes, Plakoto and Fagva, which are usually played one after the other, in series of 3, 5 or 7, according to the players’ initial decision. There is a distinction to each backgammon variant the, yet they are all characterized with high speed and common basic backgammon rules, which are similar to the western backgammon rules. The main difference between Tavli and the western and lies in the backgammon set, which includes one pair of dice with no doubling cube, and in the method used to determine, which player starts the game.

Both players roll one die each; the player with the higher numeric value opens the game, by rolling the dice again. Later on, in the series, the winner of the previous game gets to start. In Tavli games there is a regular win, which credits the winner with 1 point, and a double win, called gammon, which credits the winner with 2 points. Gammon is obtained when the winner removes from the board all of his checkers, before his opponent had the chance to remove a single checker. Backgammon score, which credits the winner with 3 points in western and online backgammon, does not exist in Tavli. How to play each backgammon variant? Portes The first backgammon variant, to be played in the Tavli threesome, is identical to the online backgammon, except for the details mentioned above.

Plakoto The second backgammon variant to be played in the Tavli threesome; in Bulgaria it is known by the name Tapa. The initial backgammon board set up, places all 15 checkers of each player on the opponent’s 1-point. During the game the checkers must be transferred counterclockwise to the home board and be removed according to the regular backgammon rules Plakoto has no ‘hitting’ option. Instead there is a concept of obstructing the opponent. A checker that reaches a point with only one of the opponent’s checkers on it traps the checker and does not allow it to move, until the blocking checker moves on and releases the blockade.

Backgammon Variants Tavli (Greek Backgammon) Tavli means 'board' in Greece. It is also the name used for various games played on a backgammon board. Παίξτε online multiplayer Τάβλι στο dod.gr με τους φίλους σας και όχι μόνο!

The blocking checker sits above the opponent’s checker, and the point is treated in the same manner classic backgammon rules treat a point blocked by two or more checkers from the same color. The last checker to leave the starting point is called the ‘mother’ checker. In the event that a ‘mother’ checker is blocked on the starting point before moving a single step, the game ends immediately and the opponent scores a gammon, except for the case, in which the opponent ‘mother’ checker is still in its starting point and is exposed to blockade. In this scenario, the game continues until the opponent’s ‘mother’ leaves its starting point. If the trapped player succeeds to block the opponent’s ‘mother’, the backgammon game ends in a tie. Fevga The third backgammon variant to be played in the Tavli threesome; in turkey it is known as Moultezim and in Russia as Narde. The backgammon board set up is different from both Portes and Plakoto.

The checkers of each player are located at the right far most point of the board, in two diagonally corners. The checkers are moved counterclockwise to the home boards, which are located in the lower-right area and in the upper- left area of the board. In this backgammon variant, no other checker can be moved until the first checker has passed the opponent’s starting point.


For example, if a player rolls 6-6, and the opponent’s starting point is occupied, than he can play only one 6 out of the four, as the starting checker cannot continue and no other checker is allowed to be moved, before the first passes the opponent’s starting point. As in Plakoto, and unlike classic and online, there is no ‘hitting’ in Fevga, but there is no obstructing either. In Fevga a single checker blocks a point and a checker cannot land on a point that has an opponent’s checker on it. In order to prevent too many blocked points there is a restriction, exclusive to this backgammon variant, which does not allow blocking all points in the starting point area. If one of the players creates a prime (blocking 6 points in a row) anywhere across the board and his opponent gathers all of his checkers in the point before the prime, then the player must open at least one point, to give his rival a chance to get through.

Gul Bara is sometimes called crazy Narde, and it lives up to it’s name. It takes the rules of Backgammon and Plakato and turn them on their head. Fast paced and exciting, this game is certainly one to try. Players 2 Equipment Backgammon board 15 light stones and15 dark stones Pair of dice Dice cup How to play. The players moves all his or her checkers around the board and bears them off first wins the game. Each player starts with his or her checkers on the far right hand side of the board as shown in the photo.

The players move the same direction going counter clockwise around the board. On the first roll each player rolls one die highest number the re-rolls and goes first. Each die is one move of a checker. A player can move his or her checkers on an empty triangle or a triangle that has his own checkers on it. However player cannot put his checkers on any triangle that has any of his or her opponent’s checkers on it. Doubles during the first three roles of the game are played twice.

After the first three rolls the number that is rolled is played twice. Then each successive number is played as a double up to six. So when a double three is rolled the player moves double threes, fours, fives, and and finally sixes. If a player cannot play all the numbers the remaining numbers are given to their opponent. To bear off all of you checkers must be on your inner table. The inner table is the quarter of the board directly across from the players starting position.

On your next roll you can either take a checker off the board from the number indicated or move a checker forward. For example roll one in six you could take one checker off the one triangle in one checker up to six try. If the player rolls a number that does not have any checkers they can bear off the next highest number, if there are no checkers on higher triangles. The player who gets all his checkers off the board first wins a point if the winner bears all as checkers off the board before his opponent gets two points.

Tavli Game

Looking for a game that has stood the test of time? Try Backgammon. For centuries backgammon and it’s variants have been played around the world. It is a board game with an intriguing balance of luck and skill.

Greek Board Games

Whether you play a game in a park in New York or in cafenion in Athens, or in a pub in London you will enjoy a fast paced favorite. Players 2 Equipment Backgammon board 15 light stones and15 dark stones Pair of dice Dice cup Doubling cube How to play. The object of the game is to bring all of you checkers around the board to your inner table and bear them off before your opponent. The Board is setup and direction of play is shown in illustration above. On the first roll again each player rolls one die the player who rolls the highest number uses both dice as they are first roll. On the players turn the roll two dice. Each die represents a move.

For example roll of the six and a one means a player can move a checkers six spaces and a checker one space. Doubles are played twice. A player can land their checker on any triangle that is empty, that has their own checkers on it, or that has only one opponents checker on it. If a player lands of a triangle with one of the opponents checkers on it that checker is put on the bar and the opposing player cannot make a move until it’s returned that players outer table. To bear off all of you checkers must be on your inner table. It on your next roll you can either take a checker off the board from the number indicated. For example roll one in six you could take one checker off the one triangle in one checker up to six try.

If for example you roll a six but you don’t have a checkers on the six try goal be taken off the next highest triangle. The first player to remove all their checkers form the board wins a game. The player win two games if they can remove all their checkers before the opponent has removed any checkers. The player wins three games if the opponent has not remove any checkers and has a checker on the bar or in the opponents home board. A match is made up of a number of Backgammon games.

Tabling Games

The first to win the prescribed number of games wins the match. Common number of match games is 3 or 7. While a doubling cube is not used in many parts of the world, it can bring an exciting element to the game. It is a cube with the numbers 2,4,8,16,24,64. The cube starts the game on the side of the board with the number 64 facing up. Before a player rolls the dice they have the option of doubling the game. The player picks up to doubling cube turns so the 2 is facing up and offers it to their opponent.

If the opponent accepts the cube they pick it up and put on their side of the board. After accepting a double the players are playing for two games rather than for one.

The person who accepts the cube owns the cube. If the person who owns the cube wishes to before they roll can double the game again. This means the winner wins four games instead of two. If the person who is offered the cube refuses they lose the game they are playing at the stake last agreed. The numbers on the cube only go up to 64, but players can continue to double past 64.