Peat Pdf

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Peat extraction in, Germany Peat ( ), also called turf ( ), is an accumulation of partially or organic matter that is unique to natural areas called,. The peatland ecosystem is the most efficient on the planet, because peatland plants capture naturally released from the peat, maintaining an equilibrium. In natural peatlands, the 'annual rate of biomass production is greater than the rate of decomposition', but it takes 'thousands of years for peatlands to develop the deposits of 1.5 to 2.3 m 4.9 to 7.5 ft, which is the average depth of the boreal northern peatlands'.


Moss, also called peat moss, is one of the most common components in peat, although many other plants can contribute. Soils consisting primarily of peat are known as.

A Three-Step Procedure for Computing Sustainable Retirement Savings Withdrawals. • This paper describes 3-PEAT, a practical.

Peat forms in conditions, where flooding obstructs the flow of oxygen from the atmosphere, slowing the rate of decomposition. Peatlands, particularly, are the primary source of peat, although less-common wetlands including, and also deposit peat. Landscapes covered in peat are home to specific kinds of plants including Sphagnum moss, shrubs, and (see for more information on this aspect of peat). Because organic matter accumulates over thousands of years, peat deposits provide records of past vegetation and climate by preserving plant remains, such as pollen. This allows humans to reconstruct past environments and study changes in human land use. Peat is harvested as an important source of in certain parts of the world.

By volume, there are about 4 trillion cubic metres (5.2 trillion cubic yards) of peat in the world, covering a total of around 2% of the global land area (about 3 million square kilometres or 1.2 million square miles), containing about 8 billion of energy. Over time, the formation of peat is often the first step in the geological formation of other such as, particularly low-grade coal such as. Depending on the agency, peat is not generally regarded as a, due to its extraction rate in industrialized countries far exceeding its slow regrowth rate of 1mm per year, and as it is also reported that peat regrowth takes place only in 30-40% of peatlands. Because of this, the, and another organization affiliated with the classified peat as a. However, the (IPCC) has begun to classify peat as a 'slow-renewable' fuel. This is also the classification used by many in the peat industry. At 106 g CO 2/, the carbon dioxide of peat is higher than that of coal (at 94.6 g CO 2/MJ) and (at 56.1) (IPCC).

Contents. Formation Peat forms when plant material does not fully decay in acidic and anaerobic conditions. It is composed mainly of wetland vegetation: principally bog plants including mosses, sedges, and shrubs. As it accumulates, the peat holds water. This slowly creates wetter conditions that allow the area of wetland to expand. Peatland features can include ponds, ridges, and raised bogs.

Most modern peat bogs formed 12,000 years ago in high latitudes after the glaciers retreated at the end of the. Peat usually accumulates slowly at the rate of about a millimetre per year. Types of peat material Peat material is either fibric, hemic, or sapric. Fibric peats are the least decomposed and consist of intact fibre. Hemic peats are partially decomposed and sapric are the most decomposed.

  • Supplemental Materials for the. Second PEAT form, you will, again, receive an enhanced score report and have access to Study Mode.
  • 2 Peat Filter Application Since wastewater leaving a peat filter system is a high-quality effluent, the soil in the trench or mound soil treatment system.

Peat are composed of reed grass, Phragmites australis, and other grasses. It is denser than many other types of peat. Engineers may describe a soil as peat which has a relatively high percentage of organic material. This soil is problematic because it exhibits poor properties – it cannot be easily compacted to serve as a stable foundation to support loads, such as roads or buildings. Peatlands distribution In a widely cited article, Joosten and Clarke (2002) defined peatlands or mires (which they claim are the same) as.the most widespread of all wetland types in the world, representing 50 to 70% of global wetlands. They cover over 4 million square kilometres 1.5 million square miles or 3% of the land and freshwater surface of the planet. In these ecosystems are found one third of the world’s soil carbon and 10% of global freshwater resources.

These ecosystems are characterized by the unique ability to accumulate and store dead organic matter from Sphagnum and many other non-moss species, as peat, under conditions of almost permanent water saturation. Peatlands are adapted to the extreme conditions of high water and low oxygen content, of toxic elements and low availability of plant nutrients. Their water chemistry varies from alkaline to acidic. Peatlands occur on all continents, from the tropical to boreal and Arctic zones from sea level to high alpine conditions. — Joosten and Clarke 2002 Peatlands are areas of land with naturally formed layers of peat. They can be found in at least 175 countries and cover around 4 million square kilometres (1.5 million square miles); that is 3% of the world’s land area.

In Europe, peatlands extend to about 515,000 km 2 (199,000 sq mi). About 60% of the world's are made of peat. Peat deposits are found in many places around the world, including northern Europe and North America. The North American peat deposits are principally found in Canada and the Northern United States. Some of the world's largest peatlands include the, the, and the Valley. There is less peat in the Southern Hemisphere, in part because there is less land. That said, the vast in South America (Southern /) is an extensive peat-dominated landscape.

Peat can be found in, the, and ( Sungai Putri, Danau Siawan, Sungai Tolak, Rasau Jaya West Kalimantan, and Sumatra). Indonesia has more tropical peatlands and mangrove forests than any other nation on earth, but Indonesia is losing wetlands by 100,000 hectares (250,000 acres) per year. About 7% of all peatlands have been exploited for and. Under proper conditions, peat will turn into coal over geologic periods of time.

General characteristics and uses. Peat fire Under pressure, water is forced out of peat, which is soft and easily compressed, and once dry can be used as fuel. In many countries, including and, peat has traditionally been used for cooking and domestic heating, and peat is stacked to dry in rural areas. It remains harvested on an industrial scale for this purpose in countries such as Ireland and Finland. Its insulating properties make it also of use to industry.

Although humans have many uses for peat, it presents severe problems at times. Wet or dry, it can be a major fire hazard; peat fires may burn for great lengths of time, or smoulder underground and reignite after the winter if an oxygen source is present. Because they are easily compressed under minimal weight, peat deposits pose major difficulties to builders of structures, roads, and railways. When the was built across in western Scotland, its builders had to float the tracks on a multi-thousand-ton mattress of tree roots, brushwood, earth, and ashes. In the Bronze and Iron Ages, people used peat bogs for rituals to nature gods and spirits. Bodies of the victims of such sacrifices have been found in various places in Scotland, England, Ireland, and especially northern Germany and Denmark.

They are almost perfectly preserved by the properties of the acidic water (see for one of the most famous examples of a ). Peat wetlands also used to have a degree of importance, being during the the primary source of that was used to create swords and armour for. Many peat swamps along the coast of serve as a natural means of flood mitigation, with any overflow being absorbed by the peat, provided forests are still present to prevent peat fires. Characteristics and uses by nation Finland. The, a peat-fired facility in, The climate, geography, and environment of favours bog and peat bog formation.

Thus, peat is available in considerable quantities. This abundant resource (often mixed with wood at an average of 2.6%) is burned to produce and. Peat provides around 6.2% of Finland's annual energy production, second only to Ireland. The contribution of peat to emissions of Finland can exceed 10 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide per year – equal to the total emissions of all passenger-car traffic in Finland. Finland classifies peat as a slowly renewing.

Peat producers in Finland often claim that peat is a special form of because of the relatively fast retake rate of released if the bog is not forested for the following 100 years. Also, agricultural and forestry-drained peat bogs actively release more CO 2 annually than is released in peat energy production in Finland. The average regrowth rate of a single peat bog, however, is indeed slow, from 1,000 up to 5,000 years. Furthermore, it is a common practice to forest used peat bogs instead of giving them a chance to renew.

This leads to lower levels of CO 2 storage than the original peat bog. At 106 g CO 2/, the carbon dioxide emissions of peat are higher than those of coal (at 94.6 g CO 2/MJ) and (at 56.1). According to one study, increasing the average amount of wood in the fuel mixture from the current 2.6% to 12.5% would take the emissions down to 93 g CO 2/MJ.

That said, little effort is being made to achieve this. Peat extraction is also seen by some conservationists as the main threat to mire in Finland. The International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) in 2006 urged the local and national governments of Finland to protect and conserve the remaining pristine peatland ecosystems. This includes the cessation of drainage and peat extraction in intact mire sites and the abandoning of current and planned groundwater extraction that may affect these sites. A proposal for a Finnish peatland management strategy was presented to the government in 2011, after a lengthy consultation phase.

Industrial-milled peat production in a section of the in the Irish Midlands: The 'turf' in the foreground is machine-produced for domestic use. In Ireland, large-scale domestic and industrial peat usage is widespread. In the, a state-owned company called is responsible for managing peat extraction.

It processes the extracted peat into milled peat which is used in power stations and sells processed peat fuel in the form of peat which are used for domestic heating. These are oblong bars of densely compressed, dried, and shredded peat. Is a manufactured product for use in garden cultivation. Turf (dried out peat ) is also commonly used in rural areas. The, In the 1960s, larger sections of swamps and bogs in Western Russia were drained for agricultural and mining purposes. Plans are underway to increase peat output and increase peat's contribution to Russian energy generation.


There is concern about the environmental impact as peat fields are flammable, drainage degrades, and burning of peat releases carbon dioxide. Due to, the Russian government is under heavy pressure to finance re-flooding of the previously drained bogs around Moscow. The initial costs for the programme are estimated to be about 20 to 25 billion rubles; that is close to 500 million euros (540 million ). Currently, Russia is responsible for 17% of the world's peat production and 20% of that peat (1.5 million tons) is used for energy purposes.

In and Kirov Power Station in are the two in the world. United Kingdom England The from the began during the Roman times and has been carried out since the Levels were first drained. On, there were several commercial distillation plants formed and run by the British Patent Naphtha Company in 1844. These produced on a commercial scale from the high-quality local peat. Is an element of a post- peat bog that straddles the England– border and contains many rare plant and animal species due to the acidic environment created by the peat. Only lightly hand-dug, it is now a and is being restored to its natural condition.

Northern Ireland In, there is small-scale domestic turf cutting in rural areas, but areas of bogs have been diminished because of changes in agriculture. In response, has seen the establishment of tentative steps towards conservation such as, which is an. Scotland Some distilleries, such as those on, use peat fires to dry malted.

The drying process takes about 30 hours. This gives the whiskies a distinctive smoky flavour, often called 'peatiness'. The peatiness, or degree of peat flavour, of a whisky, is calculated in of. Normal Highland whiskies have a peat level of up to 30 ppm, and the whiskies on Islay usually have up to 50 ppm. In rare types like the, the whisky can have more than 100 ppm of phenol. Scotch Ales can also use peat roasted malt, imparting a similar smoked flavor.

Generic characteristics and uses Agriculture In Sweden, farmers use dried peat to absorb excrement from cattle that are wintered indoors. The most important property of peat is retaining moisture in container soil when it is dry while preventing the excess of water from killing roots when it is wet. Peat can store although it is not fertile itself – it is with a high ion-exchange capacity due to its oxidized lignin. Peat is discouraged as a soil amendment by the, England, since 2003. While bark-based peat-free potting soil mixes are on the rise, particularly in the U.K., peat remains an important raw material for in Canada, as well as parts of the United States. However, it is recommended to treat peat thermally, e.g., through in order to kill pests and reactivate nutrients. Freshwater aquaria Peat is sometimes used in freshwater.

It is seen most commonly in soft water or systems such as those mimicking the basin. In addition to being soft in texture and therefore suitable for demersal (bottom-dwelling) species such as catfish, peat is reported to have a number of other beneficial functions in freshwater aquaria. It softens water by acting as an; it also contains substances that are beneficial for plants, and for the reproductive health of fishes.

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Peat can prevent algae growth and kill microorganisms. Peat often stains the water yellow or brown due to the leaching of. Water filtration Peat is used in water filtration, such as for the treatment of septic tank effluent and as for urban runoff. Balneotherapy Peat is widely used in (the use of bathing to treat disease). Many traditional spa treatments include peat as part of. Such health treatments have an enduring tradition in European countries including Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Austria. Some of these old spas date back to the 18th century and are still active today.

The most common types of peat application in balneotherapy are peat, and. Peat archives Authors Rydin and Jeglum in Biology of Habitats described the concept of peat archives, a phrase coined by influential peatland scientist in 1981. In a peat profile there is a fossilized record of changes over time in the vegetation, pollen, spores, animals (from microscopic to the giant elk), and archaeological remains that have been deposited in place, as well as pollen, spores and particles brought in by wind and weather. These remains are collectively termed the peat archives. — Rydin, 2013 In Quaternary Palaeoecology, first published in 1980, Birks and Birks described how studies 'of peat can be used to reveal what plant communities were present (locally and regionally), what time period each community occupied, how environmental conditions changed, and how the environment affected the ecosystem in that time and place.' Scientists continue to compare modern (Hg) accumulation rates in bogs with historical natural-archives records in peat bogs and lake sediments to estimate the potential human impacts on the cycle of mercury, for example.

Over the years, different dating models and technologies for measuring date sediments and peat profiles accumulated over the last 100–150 years, have been used, including the widely used vertical distribution of 210Pb, the (ICP-SMS), and more recently the initial penetration (IP). Peat hags at the start of Allt Lagan a' Bhainne tributary on Eilrig Peat hags Peat 'hags' are a form of erosion that occurs at the sides of gullies that cut into the peat or, sometimes, in isolation. Hags may result when flowing water cuts downwards into the peat and when fire or overgrazing exposes the peat surface. Once the peat is exposed in these ways, it is prone to further erosion by wind, water, and livestock. The result is overhanging vegetation and peat. Hags are too steep and unstable for vegetation to establish itself, so they continue to erode unless restorative action is taken.

Increase, and change relative to previous year, of the atmospheric concentration of. The distinctive ecological conditions of peat wetlands provide a habitat for distinctive fauna and flora. For example, nest in North American peatlands, while nest in the West Siberian peatland. Such habitats also have many species of wild orchids and carnivorous plants. It takes centuries for a peat bog to recover from disturbance. (For more on biological communities, see, or.) The world's largest peat bog is located in Western Siberia.

It is the size of France and Germany combined. Recent studies show that it is thawing for the first time in 11,000 years.

As the permafrost melts, it could release billions of tonnes of gas into the atmosphere. The world's peatlands are thought to contain 180 to 455 billion of sequestered carbon, and they release into the atmosphere 20 to 45 million metric tons of methane annually. The peatlands' contribution to long-term fluctuations in these atmospheric gases has been a matter of considerable debate.

One of the characteristics for peat is the bioaccumulations of metals often concentrated in the peat. Accumulated mercury is of significant environmental concern.


Peat drainage Large areas of organic wetland (peat) soils are currently drained for agriculture, forestry, and peat extraction. This process is taking place all over the world. This not only destroys the habitat of many species but also heavily fuels climate change. As a result of peat drainage, the organic carbon – which built over thousands of years and is normally underwater – is suddenly exposed to the air. It decomposes and turns into (CO 2), which is released into the atmosphere. The global CO 2 emissions from drained peatlands have increased from 1,058 Mton in 1990 to 1,298 Mton in 2008 (a 20% increase). This increase has particularly taken place in developing countries, of which Indonesia, China, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea are the fastest-growing top emitters.

This estimate excludes emissions from peat fires (conservative estimates amount to at least 4,000 Mton/CO 2-eq./yr for south-east Asia). With 174 Mton/CO 2-eq./yr the EU is after Indonesia (500 Mton) and before Russia (161 Mton) the world's second-largest emitter of drainage-related peatland CO 2 (excl. Extracted peat and fires). Total CO 2 emissions from the worldwide 500,000 km 2 of degraded peatland may exceed 2.0 Gtons (including emissions from peat fires) which is almost 6% of all global carbon emissions. Peat fires. Smoke and ozone pollution from fires, 1997 Peat has a high carbon content and can burn under low moisture conditions. Once ignited by the presence of a heat source (e.g., a wildfire penetrating the subsurface), it.

These smouldering fires can burn undetected for very long periods of time (months, years, and even centuries) propagating in a creeping fashion through the underground peat layer. Despite the damage that the burning of raw peat can cause, bogs are naturally subject to wildfires and depend on the wildfires to keep woody competition from lowering the water table and shading out many bog plants. Several families of plants including the carnivorous (trumpet pitcher), (Venus flytrap), (bladderworts) and non-carnivorous plants such as the, and many species of orchid are now threatened and in some cases endangered from the combined forces of human drainage, negligence, and absence of fire. The recent burning of peat bogs in Indonesia, with their large and deep growths containing more than 50 billion tonnes of carbon, has contributed to increases in world levels. Peat deposits in Southeast Asia could be destroyed by 2040. It is estimated that in 1997, released between 0.81 and 2.57 Gt of carbon; equivalent to 13–40 percent of the amount released by global fossil fuel burning, and greater than the carbon uptake of the world's biosphere. These fires may be responsible for the acceleration in the increase in carbon dioxide levels since 1998.

Pet Pdf

More than 100 peat fires in and East have continued to burn since 1997; each year, these peat fires ignite new forest fires above the ground. In North America, peat fires can occur during severe droughts throughout their occurrence, from boreal forests in Canada to swamps and fens in the subtropical southern Florida.

Once a fire has burnt through the area, hollows in the peat are burnt out, and hummocks are desiccated but can contribute to Sphagnum recolonization. In the summer of 2010, an unusually high of up to 40 °C (104 °F) ignited large deposits of peat in Central Russia, and covering the capital of Moscow with a toxic.

The situation remained critical until the end of August 2010. Wise use and protection In June 2002, the launched the Wetlands Ecosystem and Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Rehabilitation Project. This project was targeted to last for 5 years, and brings together the efforts of various non-government organisations. In November 2002, the International Peatland (formerly Peat) Society (IPS) and the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) published guidelines on the 'Wise Use of Mires and Peatlands – Backgrounds and Principles including a framework for decision-making'. The aim of this publication is to develop mechanisms that can balance the conflicting demands on the global peatland heritage, to ensure its wise use to meet the needs of humankind. In June 2008, the IPS published the book Peatlands and Climate Change, summarising the currently available knowledge on the topic. In 2010, IPS presented a 'Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management', which can be applied worldwide for decision-making.

See also.

Peat is a heterogeneous mixture of more or less decomposed plant (humus) material that has accumulated in a water-saturated environment and in the absence of oxygen. Its structure ranges from more or less decomposed plant remains to a fine amorphic, colloidal mass.

The warmer the climate, the quicker the plant material will decompose. The rate of accumulating plant material is greatest in areas where the temperature is high enough for plant growth but too low for the vigorous microbial activity that breaks down the plant material. Such conditions are found more frequently in the northern hemisphere. In ' by Donal Clarke and Hans Joosten (2002), the following terms are used: A wetland is an area that is inundated or saturated by water at a frequency and for a duration sufficient to support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Peat is sedentarily accumulated material consisting of at least 30% (dry mass) of dead organic material. A peatland is an area with or without vegetation with a naturally accumulated peat layer at the surface. A mire is a peatland where peat is currently being formed.

A suo is a wetland with or without a peat layer dominated by a vegetation that may produce peat.